Source code for nlp_data_py.commons.bookdef

import re
import math
from logging import Logger
from nlp_data_py.commons.utils.logging import Logging

[docs]class Book: """For managing data spliting, contents are added to Book class. This will manage things like spliting the contents, based on delimiter, chunking contents into pages. These pages can then be used to create train, test and val sets. Args: chunk_splitter:regular expression. Pattern on which to split the text chunks_per_page: int: Number of chunks that make up a page Example: :: book_def: Book = Book(chunk_splitter='(?<=[.!?]) +', chunks_per_page=2) book_def.text = "This is. A Simple. Book! That makes. No Sense?" println(book_def.num_of_chunks) >>> 5 println(book_def.num_of_pages) >>> 3 """ def __init__(self, chunk_splitter='(?<=[.!?]) +', chunks_per_page=5): self.logger: Logger = Logging.get_logger("Book") self.chunk_splitter = chunk_splitter self.chunks_per_page = chunks_per_page #self.text = "" @property def text(self): """This is content of entire book and has to be set before reading pages. Once this property is set, below properties will be availableself. chucks: Array[str]: Actual chunks after splitting text on reg_ex num_of_chunks: Number of chunks in the book num_of_pages: pages in the book. num_of_chunks/chunks_per_page """ return self.__text @text.setter def text(self, book_text): self.__text = book_text self.chunks = re.split(self.chunk_splitter, self.text) self.num_of_chunks = len(self.chunks) self.num_of_pages = math.ceil(float(self.num_of_chunks)/self.chunks_per_page) self.logger.debug(f"num_of_chunks: {self.num_of_chunks}") self.logger.debug(f"num_of_pages: {self.num_of_pages}") print(f"num_of_pages: {self.num_of_pages}")
[docs] def read_page(self, page_number): """Reads the content of the page. Args: page_number: int: Number of the page to be read Returns: Contents of the asked page """ self.logger.debug(f"Reading Page: {page_number}") start_chunk = min(page_number * self.chunks_per_page, self.num_of_chunks) self.logger.debug(f"start_chunk: {start_chunk}") end_chunk = min((page_number + 1) * self.chunks_per_page, self.num_of_chunks) self.logger.debug(f"end_chunk: {end_chunk}") return ". ".join(self.chunks[start_chunk:end_chunk])